Dance for Nothing

In Dance for Nothing, Eszter Salamon performs John Cage’s music, "Lecture on Nothing” (1949) and simultaneously dances with the aim of creating choreography of non-intended movements to be juxtaposed to the text piece. The idea of using music done by words and performing a parallel action as another temporality follows the desire for interaction with non-interference. “The dance in ‘Dance for Nothing’ should be autonomous and never become an illustration or a commentary on the text.”

Concept and dance Eszter Salamon Music John Cage Organisation and production Alexandra Wellensiek/ Botschaft Coproduction DANCE 2010, 12.Internationales Festival des zeitgenössischen Tanzes, (Munich), Espace Pasolini-Théâtre International, (Valenciennes), Far – Festival des arts vivants, (Nyon), TanzWerkstatt Berlin/Tanz im August (Berlin) 
Supported by The National Performance Network with funding provided by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and Botschaft (Berlin)
Thanks to Shaina Anand, Ashok Sukumaran/Camp, Paf-St. Erme, Jan Ritsema, Berno Odo Polzer, Bojana Cvejić